Tech : 5 pieces of technology that can be recycled
As businesses have met the demand for more eco-friendly practices, one of the biggest buzzwords surrounding any form of technology is the concept of recycling, with much of this process required by law.
Gone are the days of throwing broken electronics in the bin, or dropping that unwieldy fridge or washing machine off at the tip.
Many modern businesses offer specific recycling services to ensure that when it comes to tech, we can all be a little greener.
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
Read on to discover five different pieces of technology that can now be easily recycled through the range of different recycling schemes which are available:
Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unspla
According to Recycle Now, the criteria for recyclable electronics is if the item has a plug or batteries, if it needs charging, and most importantly if it features a picture of a crossed-out bin on it. Washing machines are one of the larger appliances that can be recycled, and many brands that sell washing machines themselves offer comprehensive recycling processes to ensure they are disposed of appropriately and recycled whenever possible.
Photo by Alex Gorey on Unsplash
Another significant piece of technology, fridge-freezers are especially vital to be included in the recycling process due to the cooling chemicals within them, which are harmful to the environment if disposed of inappropriately. Opting to get rid of an old or broken refrigerator through a recycling scheme is safer for the environment, and provide peace of mind that a disused item will one day be useful in another capacity.
Image by HOerwin56 from Pixabay
If you’re not a huge fan of gardening, it can be easy to leave those once-pristine garden tools to rot in the shed, never once seeing the grass or leaves they were designed to cut. For rusty or failing garden tools, recycling is the best option, and as smaller items, these can either be sent off through a recycling scheme or taken through to a recycling centre yourself for best results.
Computer waste is one of the top materials that end up in landfills that could easily be recycled or repurposed, especially when it comes to more modern computers and laptops. By using a proper electronics recycling service, you can ensure that your old computers are recycled effectively – but don’t forget to erase all data first, or choose an option in which your computer hard drive is destroyed to ensure your info doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
Image by Jason Goh from Pixabay
In the modern day, televisions are one of the most expensive pieces of technology with such a short shelf life – rivaled only by the modern mobile phone. With new technology appearing on the shelves every year, many people will dispose of multiple televisions in their lifetime. But often, big-brand TV manufacturers will offer a recycling scheme to allow you to eliminate that last-gen tech effectively, without harming the environment. It’s more than worth finding out about.
While there are many other pieces of tech that can be recycled, these five examples will give you a bit of an idea into exactly what’s suitable for an eco-friendlier end.
It turns out that there’s not much that can’t be recycled in 2019 – so why not find out if there’s a suitable scheme near you to dispose of unwanted electronics responsibly?
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