The Top 5 Tablets and iPads For Work and Entertainment
The next-generation tablets come packed with a lot of exciting features and are more powerful, more stylish, and more productive than ever. Tablets are excellent...
Effective Email Marketing Strategies to Scale up Your Start-Up in 2020
The competition for grabbing attention and getting more customers for the business is getting intense daily. As a start-up, you need to put more effort...
Top 5 Phones to must buy in 2020
“ The previous year was quite fantastic for the Smartphone industry, but the year 2020 looks even brighter and incredible for phones enthusiasts. Many big...
Tech | How Technology Can Bring Back Fun to the Kitchen – Eric Kelly
“ Are you tired of cooking the same old meals for your family week in and week out? ” If you find yourself in a...
Tech : 5 pieces of technology that can be recycled
As businesses have met the demand for more eco-friendly practices, one of the biggest buzzwords surrounding any form of technology is the concept of recycling,...
Tech : Latest 20 Electronic Gadgets In The Indian Market
“ The world is so small and to regret about the things that you don’t have will be foolish, so make this a point, not...
Tech : Launch of RISHI – the world’s first XAI (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence) , Bangalore | India
“ RISHI , the world's first XAI is here ! The global technology leader in Lean/ Agile Application Lifecycle Management Products, Digité, Inc , today...
Google House – Chef Kunal ,Daboo & others
Almost two decade ago the founders of Google , Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University and built a search engine (initially called BackRub) that...